About Me

My Story

Matthew Philip Blue Boat House

A Travel and Drone Addict

I grew up in Manchester England where the sun doesn’t shine, okay maybe a little bit… With a thirst for adventure and travel to where the sun does shine I have spent many years living in Australia where I started flying drones.

This led me into a career of drone photography including flying drones commercially.

I have many years experience editing drone footage using Adobe Lightroom, Premiere Pro and using royalty free music websites to add music to my videos for social media platforms.

I have put all my skills together to become a full time content creator and writer. My website will provide you insights to help you choose the right drones, how to get the right drone shots, how to edit your footage and much more.

Memorable Moments

Here are some of my favourite shots from both my drone and camera whilst travelling



My Passions

Content Creation

I love to produce captivating content to showcase some of the best locations in the world


I love all things drones. My goal is to fly as many drones as possible and to teach other people how to get the most out of their drone.


Travelling the world has always been a passion of mine. Not all people enjoy travelling, strange right? I like to push myself out of my comfort zone and travel to crazy places like Egypt, Israel, Jordan and India.

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